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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

C A Tisdell

Sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem functions : economic issues - Cheltenham, UK ; Northampton, MA, USA Edward Elgar Publishing 2015 - 426p


Biodiversity conservation in Economic aspects.
Ecosystem management.
Biological conservation- basic economic issues : Economic issues involving in sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem functions, Classifying the stock of genetic resources and ecosyste- economic nature and patterns of biodiversity change, Socio-economic processes transforming the genetic stock and altering ecosystem, Sustinable development and change in the genetic stock and in ecosystem
Human developed biological capital- Germplasm and ecosystem : Crops and socio-economics of biodiversity loss and change, Livestock and the socio-economics of biodiversity loss, Advances in genetic engineering and changes in biodiversity and ecosystem, Human developed and modified ecosystem , Declining effectiveness of techniques designed to control pests and diseases, Property rights in human developed genetic material
Natural biological capital wild genetic resources and natural ecosystem : Allocating land use to minimize the opportunity cost of conserving wild species in their natural habitats, Property rights in Non-captive wildlife and biodiversity conservation, Economic incentives to conserve wildlife on Private lands- analysis policy and examples, Biodiversity conservation loss of natural capital and interest rates, valuing and sustaining natural ecosystem services, Economics and spatial aspects of ecosystem use- land sharing vs land sparing- Wildlife conservation and forestry

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