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Sajosps:South asian journal of socio-political studies, Vol.XIII, No.1 - Kollam SAJOSPS 2012 - 128p


Regulatory problems in elections in Nepal
GM/ Bio tech crops and its future impact on Indian economy
Ethics and legality of euthanasia in Indian context
123 Agreement and the Hyde act: India and US
Developing gender equality through watershed development programme in India
Speedy trial is a fundamental right
State assembly elections in India-2011: west Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala
Industrialisation, marginalisation and contemporary people's movements in Odisha
Kashmir identity
Social value from the Indian constitution
Technology as an effective tool to reduce mass poverty: GramSat, E-governance programme and KBK districts in odisha
European debt crisis : new standers in monetary policy
Dry fish value chain management practices in Indian marine fisheries
Aggregate economic variables and Indian stock market
Indian banking sector
In vitro regeneration and genetic transformation (marker/ reporter gene) studies in Cucumber
Characterization of the three species of trichoderma isolated from Jatropha Curcas L
Combating cyber squatters in the internet trade arena
Issues of community based ecotourism development in Sikkim
We and Technology : tourism development
Tour package
Tourism between Bangladesh and North east India
Social science
Information Technology

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