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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Tol, Richard S. J.,

Climate economics : - UK Edward Elgar 2014 - ix, 198 pages : illustrations, graphs ;

This text on the economics of climate change and climate policy can be used at three different levels - advanced undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral. It covers the critical issues and clearly identifies the specific sections each level of reader should explore.--

9781782545910 (hbk.)

Environment and Ecology, Climatic changes
Science of climate change, emissions scenarios and options for emission reduction, abatement costs, policy instruments for emission reduction, impact and valuation, impacts of climate change, climate and development, optimal climate policy, equity, irreversibility and learning, international environmental agreements, adaptation policy, building an integrated assessment model, how to solve climate problem

363.73874 / TOL
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