Samuel N M
Census of India 1991: Provisional population totals : Rural Urban Composition. Workers and Their Distribution - Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Directorate of Census Operations 1991 - 168p.
Population and Literacy
Town and Cities
Rural -Urban composition
Growth of towns
Urban agglomeration
Urban population distribution of Kerala
Urban population in districts of Kerala
Urban population by size classes of towns
Workers and their distribution
Economic concepts of earlier censuses
Total workers and total work participation rates
Work participation rates in districts
main workers and marginal workers
Main workers by industrial categories
Comparative figures with India , states and union territories
310 / SAM/P
Census of India 1991: Provisional population totals : Rural Urban Composition. Workers and Their Distribution - Thiruvananthapuram Kerala Directorate of Census Operations 1991 - 168p.
Population and Literacy
Town and Cities
Rural -Urban composition
Growth of towns
Urban agglomeration
Urban population distribution of Kerala
Urban population in districts of Kerala
Urban population by size classes of towns
Workers and their distribution
Economic concepts of earlier censuses
Total workers and total work participation rates
Work participation rates in districts
main workers and marginal workers
Main workers by industrial categories
Comparative figures with India , states and union territories
310 / SAM/P