Trainers Guide : Concepts, Principles and Methods of training with special rference to Agricultural development Vol. 2 : Training maternal for Agricultural Planning 33/2
- Rome Food and Agricultural Organisation 1993
Principles of adult training : Psychological interpretationsof learning, difference between younger and older adults which affect learning, experiential and classroom learning
Training needs assessment : Manpower planning, planning education for economic and social development, agricultural man power forecasting, new approaches in labour marketing signalling and manpower analysis, methods and techniques of TNA within the enterprise
Design and preparation of training :Educational materials, audio-tapes
Conducting training : Adult classes, discussion methods, cartoons, case studies, river wadu role play, wye college irrigation game, CBT- computer bamboozle trainers
Evaluation : formative and summative evaluation, microcomputer learning experience
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Principles of adult training : Psychological interpretationsof learning, difference between younger and older adults which affect learning, experiential and classroom learning
Training needs assessment : Manpower planning, planning education for economic and social development, agricultural man power forecasting, new approaches in labour marketing signalling and manpower analysis, methods and techniques of TNA within the enterprise
Design and preparation of training :Educational materials, audio-tapes
Conducting training : Adult classes, discussion methods, cartoons, case studies, river wadu role play, wye college irrigation game, CBT- computer bamboozle trainers
Evaluation : formative and summative evaluation, microcomputer learning experience
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