• KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Workshop on Forging Strategic Linkages Between Local Self Government and R &D Instituions : Brief Profile of R&D Institutions (draft) - Centre for Environment and Development 2005 - 57p

State council of educational research & training, government of Kerala, national informatics centers, energy management center- Kerala, agency of non- conventional energy and rural technology, college of fisheries, Kerala agricultural university, health action by people, center for development of imaging technology, Rajiv Gandhi center for biotechnology, regional research laboratory, national institute of Oceanography
Kerala state pollution control board, geological survey of India, CED, Kerala state land use board, center for water resource development and management, Kerala forest research institute, LBS centre for science and technology, national transportation planning and research centre, center for development studies, center for development of advanced computing, central tuber crops research institute, regional cancer center, sree chitra tirunal institute for medical sciences & technology
Tropical Botanic garden and research institute, central coir research institute, Indian institute of spices research (IISR), central plantation crops research institute Kasaragod, central marine fisheries research institute, central institute of fisheries technology (CIFT), Kerala institute of local administration, Kerala highway research institute, integrated rural technology center, central ground water board, ground water department, center for earth sciences studies - CESS, government analyst laboratory

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