Pattika Varga Samudayangalude Adistana Vivara shekharanam-2008: Malappuram Jilla thala Pattikakal
- Thiruvanamthapuram Taddesha Swayambharana Vakuppu 2010
- 316p.
Statistical information of scheduled tribe in Population, oorukal, ഊരുകൾ, educational status, employment and income, health status, basic amenities, land they own, dependance on forest, social security, social development, gender status, protected sections, major problems found
305.56 / MLP/02
Statistical information of scheduled tribe in Population, oorukal, ഊരുകൾ, educational status, employment and income, health status, basic amenities, land they own, dependance on forest, social security, social development, gender status, protected sections, major problems found
305.56 / MLP/02