rajendran P
Proceedings: National Workshop on Public Private Partnership for Gender Mainstreaming inAgri-Entrepreneurship develoment - Thrissur CGSAFED, Kerala Agricultural University 2010 - 113p.
Farming Programme
Public private partnership for enhancing agricultural extension services
Public-private partnership for gender mainstreaming in agricultural experience from national network project, women SHGs in Kerala and micro enterprises in agriculture
Micro finance and credit linked schemes for women entrepreneurship development
Public and private partnership in collective farming program of Kudumbashree, PPP for gender mainstreaming in agriculture, Samagra(banana) project- rural business hub model in PPP, Elappully model PPP for gender main streaming in animal husbandry- agri entrepreneurship development, cadbury- KAU co-operative cocoa research project-its impact on sustainability of cocoa cultivation and women empowerment, vegetable and fruit promotion council Kerala- inspiring story of an agricultural development program, public private participation of gender mainstreaming by agri entrepreneurship,urban horticulture and gender streaming, women self help groups in agricultural development, internal and external factors influencing the sustained performance of women SHGs in Kerala
women & agriculture
362.83 / RAJ/P
Proceedings: National Workshop on Public Private Partnership for Gender Mainstreaming inAgri-Entrepreneurship develoment - Thrissur CGSAFED, Kerala Agricultural University 2010 - 113p.
Farming Programme
Public private partnership for enhancing agricultural extension services
Public-private partnership for gender mainstreaming in agricultural experience from national network project, women SHGs in Kerala and micro enterprises in agriculture
Micro finance and credit linked schemes for women entrepreneurship development
Public and private partnership in collective farming program of Kudumbashree, PPP for gender mainstreaming in agriculture, Samagra(banana) project- rural business hub model in PPP, Elappully model PPP for gender main streaming in animal husbandry- agri entrepreneurship development, cadbury- KAU co-operative cocoa research project-its impact on sustainability of cocoa cultivation and women empowerment, vegetable and fruit promotion council Kerala- inspiring story of an agricultural development program, public private participation of gender mainstreaming by agri entrepreneurship,urban horticulture and gender streaming, women self help groups in agricultural development, internal and external factors influencing the sustained performance of women SHGs in Kerala
women & agriculture
362.83 / RAJ/P