Subbarao, G C Venkata
Indian constitutional Law - Hyderabad Law academy private Ltd 1978 - 445p.
Constitutional development
Constitution of India, leading cases of: Osmania university, Delhi university, other universities
Constitutional development - article wise: constitutional 43rd amendment 1977
Tale of concordance of articles with topics : table of topics on comparative constitutional law of advanced study, table of lectures
Constitutional developments ; table of cases 1950-70, model syllabi of Osmania and Delhi university, model question papers ( madras university ), IAS syllabus
342.54 / SUB/I
Indian constitutional Law - Hyderabad Law academy private Ltd 1978 - 445p.
Constitutional development
Constitution of India, leading cases of: Osmania university, Delhi university, other universities
Constitutional development - article wise: constitutional 43rd amendment 1977
Tale of concordance of articles with topics : table of topics on comparative constitutional law of advanced study, table of lectures
Constitutional developments ; table of cases 1950-70, model syllabi of Osmania and Delhi university, model question papers ( madras university ), IAS syllabus
342.54 / SUB/I