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  • KILA Library - Catalogue

Tunkin, G. I

International Law - Moscow Progress Publishers 1986. - 546 p

International Economic Organisations
Modern International Law
Concept of international law, history of international law and its science before great October socialist revolution in 1917, International law of slave-owning societies and feudal societies, formation, essence, sources and structure of modern international law , second world war
General character and essence of modern international law, creating norms of international law and its sources, system if modern international law, modern science of international law
International law and international law, subjects of modern international law
Concept of subject of international law and corresponding types, states as basic subjects of international law , international legal personality of nations and peoples struggling for independence, recognition of states, legal succession of states, legal personality of international; organizations, specific subjects of international law
Basic principles of international law : Concept of basic principles and their classification, principle of peaceful coexistence, principles that bear directly on maintenance of international peace and security general principles of international cooperation
Law of treaties : Its codification, conclusion of treaties, form and structure of treaties, operation of treaties, interpretation of treaties, invalidity of treaties and termination and suspension of treaties, effects of war on treaties
International conferences , international organizations and international law : International conferences, international organizations- general issues, UN, UN specialized agencies, regional organizations for peace and security, Warsaw treaty organization, OAU, OAS, international economic organizations of capitalist states aggressive military political blocs of imperialist states - NTO, WEU, ANZUS
Responsibility under international law, international law in relations among socialist states- socialist international legal principles and norms, international legal forms of cooperation among socialist states
Diplomatic and consular law : General characteristics of modern diplomatic and consular law, organs of external relations, diplomatic missions, trade missions, missions of states to international organizations, special missions, privileges and immunities of international organizations, measures against violations of diplomatic privileges and immunities
Law of international security, human rights and international law- international regulation of legal issues of population, international legal questions of nationality, legal status of foreigners, protection of human rights in modern international law
International cooperation in crime control : Functions and legal mechanism of cooperation among states in crime control, international crimes and obligation of states relating to their prevention and punishment of criminals, legal assistance on criminal matters, international economic law
Territories and other spaces- general issues : State territory, legal regime of international rivers- regime of Danube, international land spaces, spaces with a mixed legal regime, legal regime of Antarctic and Artic, outer space and celestial bodies
International maritime law , international air law - concept of international air law, basic principles of international air law, legal regulation of international air communications
International space law, international legal protection of environment, international legal means for resolving international disputes , international law in the period of armed conflicts , international law and progress of mankind

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