Government of Kerala
National Workshop of Kerala's Decentralization: Next Steps 18, 19 Jun 2004 - M.G Kavu, Thrissur Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) 2004 - 62p - Proceeding and Receommedations .
Decentralisation in India, Kerala
Decentralization- experience of other states, decentralization in karnataka, status of P.R.Is in Rajasthan, rural decentralization initiatives in west Bengal, panchayat raj in MP, status of PRIs in Himachal Pradesh, devolution of power to PRIs in Punjab
Performance of productive sector- a study based on selected local governments in Kerala, decentralization in Kerala- issued in development and governance, decentralization- international experience, decentralization the second generation issues, self governance in Switzerland, experience of UNDP in decentralization, decentralization and program for the children- UNICEF's international experience
325.942 / NAT
National Workshop of Kerala's Decentralization: Next Steps 18, 19 Jun 2004 - M.G Kavu, Thrissur Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) 2004 - 62p - Proceeding and Receommedations .
Decentralisation in India, Kerala
Decentralization- experience of other states, decentralization in karnataka, status of P.R.Is in Rajasthan, rural decentralization initiatives in west Bengal, panchayat raj in MP, status of PRIs in Himachal Pradesh, devolution of power to PRIs in Punjab
Performance of productive sector- a study based on selected local governments in Kerala, decentralization in Kerala- issued in development and governance, decentralization- international experience, decentralization the second generation issues, self governance in Switzerland, experience of UNDP in decentralization, decentralization and program for the children- UNICEF's international experience
325.942 / NAT