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  • KILA Library - Catalogue


The green pen:Environmental journalism in India and South Asia - Los Angels Sage 2010 - 303p.


Environmental health
Press coverage
Environmental protection
Mass media and the environment
Economic Liberalisation
Wildlife Jounalism
Environmental journalism and environmental reporting : Environment stories, among the most challenging, economic liberalization, problems of aesthetics and misplaced altruism- media and environment in northeast India, good journalism, media is no longer the fourth estate, tourism and beyond- does environmental journalism matter, environment journalism- Maldivian style, uphill and downstream in Pakistan
Science, health and environment : Good science, environment journalism and barriers to it, environment, exotic diseases and media
Wildlife journalism :Tiger defends the biodiversity
Environment and water : Media's role in water and sanitation, water journalism warrants better attention
Reporting on disasters : Dispatches from frontline- making of greenbelt reports, floods, turbulence-how volunteers cyber responded to tsunami
Photo journalism : What does one photograph to do depict a flood
Communicating on environment : Paradigm shift in agricultural communication, global city v/s environment, wild panther in Miramar- Goa on verge of environmental hara-kiri
Gender and environment : Reporting gender and environment in Tokenism
environmental movements : Grass in greener this side, Chipko and Appiko movements
An Anil Agarwal reader : Media games, saying it with pictures

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