Private sector investment in infrastructure:Project finance,PPP projects and risk - 2nd Ed - New York Wolters Kluwer 2009 - 640p
PPP- Public Private Partnership
Government policy supporting PPP and project finance, Introduction to project finance, Introduction to PPP through BOT projects, Bankability, Allocation of risk, Project participation interface risk, World bank risk mitigation products, Local legal issues, Concession agreement, Shareholder's agreement, Construction contract, Operation and maintenance agreement, Offtake purchase agreement, Input supply agreement, issues common to project documents, tendering, power, transportation, Oil and gas, Telecommunication , Water and sanitation
Infrastructure (Economics)
Risk assessment
Public works in Planning
Public contracts
Public-private sector cooperation
Project management
332.6 / DEL/P
Private sector investment in infrastructure:Project finance,PPP projects and risk - 2nd Ed - New York Wolters Kluwer 2009 - 640p
PPP- Public Private Partnership
Government policy supporting PPP and project finance, Introduction to project finance, Introduction to PPP through BOT projects, Bankability, Allocation of risk, Project participation interface risk, World bank risk mitigation products, Local legal issues, Concession agreement, Shareholder's agreement, Construction contract, Operation and maintenance agreement, Offtake purchase agreement, Input supply agreement, issues common to project documents, tendering, power, transportation, Oil and gas, Telecommunication , Water and sanitation
Infrastructure (Economics)
Risk assessment
Public works in Planning
Public contracts
Public-private sector cooperation
Project management
332.6 / DEL/P