The World Bank
Improving municipal management for cities to succeed:An IEG special study - Washington,D.C The World Bank 2009 - 103p
Municipal Finances
City planning in Developing countries.
Municipal services in Developing countries.
Municipal government in Developing countries.
Chairperson's summery committee on development effectiveness (CODE)
Managing engines of growth : Evaluation of good municipal management, world bank policy underpinning support to municipalities, findings of earlier IEG assessments
Bank support for better municipal management : Bank assistance to 3000 municipalities, MDP approaches- wholesale and retail, MDP performance, MDP objectives- aims of bank assistance, MDP components- instruments for better municipal management, limited attention to poverty reduction
Better municipal planning : More information for planning, M&E, city planning and city development strategies, investment planning and strategies
Stronger municipal finances : Better financial management- accounts and audits, mobilizing own revenues, municipal creditworthiness and debt management, private finance participation
Managing service provision : Elements of service provision, sectors most affected and service quality, income levels of beneficiaries
352.0072 / WOR/I
Improving municipal management for cities to succeed:An IEG special study - Washington,D.C The World Bank 2009 - 103p
Municipal Finances
City planning in Developing countries.
Municipal services in Developing countries.
Municipal government in Developing countries.
Chairperson's summery committee on development effectiveness (CODE)
Managing engines of growth : Evaluation of good municipal management, world bank policy underpinning support to municipalities, findings of earlier IEG assessments
Bank support for better municipal management : Bank assistance to 3000 municipalities, MDP approaches- wholesale and retail, MDP performance, MDP objectives- aims of bank assistance, MDP components- instruments for better municipal management, limited attention to poverty reduction
Better municipal planning : More information for planning, M&E, city planning and city development strategies, investment planning and strategies
Stronger municipal finances : Better financial management- accounts and audits, mobilizing own revenues, municipal creditworthiness and debt management, private finance participation
Managing service provision : Elements of service provision, sectors most affected and service quality, income levels of beneficiaries
352.0072 / WOR/I