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Migration&development:The Kerala Experience - Delhi Danish Books 2009 - 318p.


Emigration and immigration
Economic aspects
Foreign workers in East Indian
South Asia migration study, Demographic background-Gulf regions in Kerala, Representatives of age distribution
Emigrants , Return-emigrants and Non-resident Keralites statistical profiles : Number of emigrants from Kerala in 2004, Emigration trends, Demographic composition, Geographical distribution of emigrants
Emigration and remittances: remittance to Kerala(Household and geographical)
Emigration, education and health care: Educational level of the non-resident Keralites, Utilization of educational and health facilities
Emigration, employment and unemployment : Economic activities
Emigration and consumerism : expenditure on Education and health
Internal migrants out-migrants and return out-migrants: Demographic compositions, Geographical distribution of out-migrants, Employment, Internal migration and external migration
Socio-economic dynamics in Kerala 1999-2004
Migration and women: gulf wives: Marital separation
Dimensions of emigration, Human resources, Migration and possession of consumer durables, Economic consequence of emigration

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